Conservation With Immediate Effect



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More About Water Select & Water Conservation

Our goal is to educate people about the facts regarding just how precious clean potable water is to the planet.

It is not difficult to see that we need some urgent solutions toward conserving the potable water available to us all.

Next we need to find ways to bring water to people who have limited or no access to potable water.

A Few Words About Our Founder

Our founder is Jeanene Tips Wilson. A seventh generation Texan, born and raised in Dallas, Texas and a graduate from the University of Texas at Austin. She has held a Captains License in the US Coast Guard as part of her years of fun sailing and enjoying the water outdoors.

Her passion today is Potable Water Conservation. Our site is dedicated to bring the best current information to anyone interested in helping to preserve our planets most valuable resource. Every family can do their part by simply using our valve to save water while in the shower.

Say a liter bottle of water represents all the water on the planet.  Pour out a capful from that liter and that represents the water in the rivers and lakes on the planet. Take one drop from that cap full of water and that represents the potable water on the planet.

We may be surrounded by water but what is available to drink is mighty precious and with our rapidly expanding population, so is our need for clean, safe water.  In addition to population, pollution is also threatening, and shrinking, our supply of potable water. The time is NOW to start guarding and conserving our most valuable commodity: Water!